eCommerce in the time of coronavirus: cushionPaper™ supports businesses that want to sell online

Because of the emergency situation due to Covid-19, people are changing many daily life habits: among the main ones are those related to shopping, an issue that drives some fundamentals such as eCommerce packaging and logistics. In fact, consumers are increasingly directing their spending toward online shopping, buying goods and services from PCs, tablets and especially smartphones.

A snapshot of eCommerce in Italy in the first quarter of 2020

What was already a recognized trend1 in 2019 has accelerated dramatically, and companies, between those who were already running an eCommerce business and those who need to launch one soon, need to learn more about the phenomenon and rely on solid partnerships.

As the saying goes, people make a virtue out of necessity: homebound, consumers and citizens develop from scratch or improve their digital skills for work, study, communication and purchasing purposes.

The blockage (and potential downsizing even in the short to medium term) of traditional shopping forces many production and distribution sectors to come to terms with the impact of the crisis. Strategies should then focus quickly on strengthening one’s web presence and, in several cases, building and growing an online business. The data² testify that eCommerce volumes in Italy have increased by 81 percent since the last week of February-a “near doubling” compared to the same period last year.

Consider that, as a rule³, it takes a company 6 to 9 months to implement an online sales project. However, it is possible to create a functioning eCommerce service in much less time than you think; obvious is that a lack of understanding of what is possible with digital can prove to be a hindrance-at least for moving quickly. Let’s remain positive: there is no shortage of success stories, such as the Quattro Portoni dairy that created an e-commerce site in no time.
We will discuss all this in more detail in a future article-continue to follow us.

The cushionPaper™ solution for eCommerce and packaging

CriticaleCommerce issues related topackaging, product safety, andeco-sustainability can be solved with Grifal’s cushionPaper™, with the goal for the merchant not to fail time-to-market precisely at this very sensitive historical stage.

cushionPaper™ is the innovative environmentally friendly packaging:

  • made from fully recycled and recyclable paper
  • which arose from the need to protect, fill, lock and wrap objects, even the most fragile, within any container
  • Fits any shape, weight and size of product or box
  • Is completely made in Italy and embedded in a circular economy context
  • the raw material used is FSC® certified

CushionPaper™ products come in convenient boxes or lightweight rolls; they are ready-to-use and innovative in terms of eco-friendliness and performance.

How Grifal supports distribution

Grifal ensures that its distributors respect their acquired clientele and actively supports them in positioning and communication activities – including in relation to the important eCommerce aspects, as we have seen increasingly decisive for strengthening market presence:

  1. Just-in-time shipping service of products in the catalog, thanks to integrated logistics. In this way we offer a considerable advantage given by the reduction of inventory volumes of both the distributor and the end customer.
  2. Deliveries are made quickly through direct shipment between logistics and the end consumer, thanks in part to an important agreement Grifal has signed with a leading international player in integrated logistics. With cushionPaper™, shipping will no longer be an obstacle.
  3. A catalog and price list dedicated to the new cushionPaper™ line, which we provide to all distributors.

The most comprehensive and effective tests for your packaging solutions

The Grifal accredited laboratory is certificateforthe execution of well 20 testing protocols, including established by the International Safe Transit Association – ISTA.
We carry out different categories of tests with the aim of meeting safety requirements demanded both by current regulations and by customers themselves, thus establishing their actual compliance and reliability. We discuss this in more detail in this article.

Our laboratory is also the first in Italy to be included in the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network(APASS) network of companies and laboratories that can assist in the testing, design and supply of packaging. This is all done by complying with the Packaging Certifications of Amazon’s Customer Packaging Experience Lab (CPEX), Seattle, Washington.

Here you can find all the useful information about packing tests >>

Grifal is operational with all consulting and production activities

Let us remember that the Covid-19-related emergency is first and foremost a human tragedy and is the ever-changing context in which companies must adopt:

  • All preventive measures to protect personnel
  • organizational responses to support customer business

Grifal does its utmost to protect its employees and contractors and to be operational in serving client companies and distributors that fall within strategic supply chains. Read more about Grifal’s operations during this challenging time for all.

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