Grifal for the welfare of its employees

What is corporate welfare? Mario De Santis, HR Director of Grifal, defines it this way:

“Taking care of one’s employees is one of the main tools for increasing work efficiency and empathy. Welfare is the set of activities aimed at improving the welfare of workers in all areas of their lives, professional and personal.”

Grifal’s welfare policy, in keeping with the company’s values, embraces a range of initiatives to support employee well-being. Thanks to the agreement signed with labor unions, for example, the Performance Bonus can be used by employees in whole or in part as corporate welfare.

Among other numerous activities, also in accordance with the circumstances that marked 2020 and this beginning of 2021, special attention was paid to health protection:

  • Taking out insurance to cover expenses as a result of any Covid-19 infection
  • Free availability of the annual flu vaccine
  • Entering into agreement with health facility to conduct serological test and molecular swab
  • Availability, already communicated to appropriate agencies, to administer the Covid-19 vaccine on the farm

Employee welfare is an issue that Grifal has always cared about. Richard Branson’s quote is famous: “If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers.” Is this merely a calculation of convenience? Certainly not. Grifal has never lost sight of the importance of the people who, every day and even in emergency contexts, help grow the company with commitment and dedication.

The partnership with Happily

For several years Grifal has been collaborating with Happily, a company founded in 2015 in Genoa with the aim of developing innovative corporate welfare plans and organizational wellness projects. Through Happily’s web portal, you can browse through many available activities so that you can identify your preferred way to enjoy your business rewards. You can convert the value into shopping vouchers, reimbursement of health, education and transportation expenses, travel, vacation packages…

Grifal is proud to have received the Happily Welfare Badge , which certifies an important commitment to employees, even during a sensitive time like 2020.

Happily Attestation Welfare Badge Grifal